We spent the day at my mom's baking christmas treats and relaxing. It was a very fun day! Colt had fun helping her make a salad for dinner. He loves to play with the salad bags, when I take him grocery shopping we head straight for the produce isle grab a back of spinach and then finish the rest of my shopping, playing with the spinach bag keeps him entertained the entire time.

Some of you may not have seen my mom's kitchen before it was remodeled. It was pretty hideous but for those of you have seen it I will try and give you a rough idea of what it looked like before.
Along this wall is where the table used to be.

The laundry closet used to be where the sink is and the french doors used to be part of the back porch.

This is my mom's new desk area, this used to be a kitchen sink along with her stove, dishwasher and some old yucky looking cabinets.

This is what used to be the back porch, now its a sitting area and that door leads into a full size laundry room! So nice and cozy.

Full picture of the kitchen. How do you like Colt's hat on my mom?

Of course I could not leave out the man of the house also wearing Colt's hat!!