Jayne Blackwell, my mom, Jan Thacker and Jillian Huber. My good friend since 2nd grade Jayne and her mom Jan drove down from Spokane and surprised me! It was so great to talk with them and catch up. Thank you Jayne and Jan!!
My other family. These are my sister-in-laws, Kenzie and her little girl Camryn, Katie and Randee. They got me a huge basket full of things for our baby boy, it was so sweet and very generous.
My mom got a basket full of grandma essentials. I think she was as excited as I was about all the gifts. After the shower she came over and helped me put everything away and organized. She says she can hardly even concentrate at work anymore because she is so excited for this baby.

My good friend since the 6th grade Mari McPherson, her and her mom drove down from Spokane. Her and her husband Jason are expecting there first child, a little girl, at the beginning of July.

Jill Carter, Jill Meliah, Me, Audra Cummings and Vicki Carter. These are the friends that gave me the baby shower. Jill Carter just had a little girl 2 weeks ago and Jill Meliah is expecting a little girl at the end of July. Our little boy is going to be surrounded by woman, so far all my friends that live in town are having girls.

Well he now has a place to ride when we drive home from the hospital. My mother-in-law Julie got us our carseat!
This is the quilt that my mom made for him, it fits perfect with the nursery and turned out so great!

Gifts for baby! I got so many nice things from my friends and family. The shower was at the Walla Walla Country Club, we had finger foods and carrot cake and enjoyed just talking with everyone and opening up some really fun gifts.

The centerpieces were so clever, there was a receiving blanket on each table along with a bottle filled with candy and coming out of the top was a washcloth in the shape of a flower. Also there were trucks on every table, I got to keep all of it. I know he will love playing with the trucks when he gets a little older. When I got home and showed Dave he started playing with them right away:)
This is one of my best friends, Audra Cummings. We have been best friends since the 8th grade and played a lot of volleyball together. She was one of the people that gave me the shower.
Johnny Jump Up! We are trying to create a football player so he should be off to a good start with this.