"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" -Hebrews 11:1
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday at home

Friday, January 25, 2008
7 months

Colt is 7 months old today, he is right about 30 inches and just under 20lbs. He is rolling everywhere, is rocking back on his hands and knees and can pull his knees under him from a laying down position. Everyday when I pick him up from the babysitter Joyce says to me “he came really close to crawling today.” I told her that if she sees him crawl before me I am going to be really upset! He has started sleeping on his tummy a lot now, he rolls onto it at night and when I go in to get him in the morning he is looking up at me from his tummy. He also likes to play in his crib in the morning, I can here him cooing and moving around and he will do that until we come and get him. He likes to try to grab the crib rail and try to pull himself up but he is not strong enough yet to figure that out. Also, I have to put this because Dave told me I should. He says dada now, the other day Dave and I both pick him up at the daycare. Dave picks him up and he grabs his face and says dada dada. Dave got all excited about it and was so proud but Joyce and I were both pretty skeptical that he really knew what he was saying especially because he has been blabbering a lot lately. Well I now believe Dave because even though he does say it a lot even when Dave is not around, when Dave is holding him and talking to him Colt will grab his face and say it over and over again. It is the cutest thing. Now we just have to work on mama!!
Dinner time
I am not a good cook, not only do I not enjoy cooking but I also do not really enjoy eating. I mean I love to snack on stuff but I do not plan my day around what I am going to cook for dinner that night. I am more than happy with a bowl of cereal or even better skipping dinner all together and having a bowl of chocolate chip mint ice cream!! However, my husband really enjoys a nice sit down meal and I know I will soon have to start preparing healthy meals more regularly as Colt gets older. I have really tried this past week to cook more, I like trying out new recipes but I also like them when they are fast so I do not have to spend my entire evening cooking and cleaning up dinner. I made homemade chicken noodle soup (very healthy and yummy) and last night I made chicken enchiladas (not as healthy but I modify a lot of my ingredients so they are not super bad for you). Dave gave me two thumbs up for both meals and they were also something that I feel like I could continue to cook for Colt as he gets older. My sister Amy gave me the cookbook Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfield for Christmas this year. The book has all of kids’ favorite recipes in it with a twist, she puts some type of fruit or veggie in every one of her recipes. For example I made baked macaroni and cheese and put sweet potatoes in it! It turned out quite good and you could not even taste the veggies. I want to try them out on us before I have to start making them for Colt. This past weekend my friend Courtney made a delicious chicken and cilantro tortilla dish that was wonderful and very simple to make I have already added it to my recipe book. If any of you have any easy, yummy and healthy recipe that you enjoy making I would love to hear about it. Please email me at carepemberton@hotmail.com. I am hoping that by trying different things I will start to enjoy cooking a little bit more and enjoy making healthy dishes for my family. I have been so determined that Colt eats all his veggies that I will not even give him any fruit unless he has finished the entire container. I do not think he cares either way but I do not want him to be a picky eater. I got some really good advice from the youth pastors wife at our old church in Tri-Cities when I was pregnant with Colt. She said make your kids eat everything you eat and if they do not like it they can go to bed hungry. She said with her first she catered to his needs and she got so fed up with making different meals every night for him and then her husband. She has three boys now and they will eat ANYTHING! Obviously everyone feels differently but for me this was one of the pieces of advice that I am going to try and listen to. I will let you know how it goes as Colt gets older and can actually protest to the rule. All right I am off to make dinner right now, I think tonight it’s going to be chicken with stir fry. I wonder how Colt will feel about that someday, I can remember HATING stir fry growing up and my dad would make it and my little sister and I would always try to sneak food to our rooms that night because we were so hungry from not getting dinner. AHH the good ole’ days (remember that Marni?)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Colt Dr. Appt. Update
Dave just got back from the doctor with Colt. He has an upper respiratory infection, his pediatriction gave us a prescription for antibiotics and said that should clear everything up. She said his ears looked fine so no ear infection! I just hope the antibiotics work, he has had this cold on and off for the past month and I am sure he is tired of me wiping his nose every time I am near him! He weighed 19lbs 15oz, almost to the 20lb mark!!
The flu.
These last two days have been tough! I came down with the flu at work yesterday and all I wanted to do was go home, curl up in a ball and sleep until I felt human again. The idea sounded wonderful until I realized that my 6 month old son was waiting for me at the babysitters! My mom has the flu, Dave was having surgery on his mouth and that left me to take care of him. If you know me well then you know I am the biggest baby when I get sick, I really just want someone to take care of me until I feel better. Dave has always been really good about taking care of me when I am sick, last night he was WONDERFUL! He came home after having surgery on his mouth and took care of Colt for the rest of the evening and took care of me as well. He never complained, never got mad, he just did it without me ever even asking him. Today I am home on the couch, Colt has a doctor appointment for his cold that he can not get rid of. Guess who is taking work off to take him to the doctor......Dave! I probably could have done it myself but I still feel pretty miserable and the last thing I feel like doing is waiting around a doctors office with other sick people. I love my husband, I hope he realizes how much I appreciate his help.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Road Trip!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Growing too fast!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Thinking back....

Monday, January 7, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
6 months old.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year

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