"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" -Hebrews 11:1
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
11 months!

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Fun at the park

Friday, May 23, 2008
Can you say CRAZY!!

Other than that I think things are going to start slowing down a little bit! I am done with track and only have 3 more weeks until school is out for summer. This is the time of year when its hard being a teacher because the kids start to get antsy and its so hard to keep them motivated..not that I can blame them. We have a lot of fun things planned for summer and I am sure it will fly by! Speaking of slowing down...Colt is definitely not slowing down, in fact he is becoming much busier!! There is nothing that he can't figure out a way to get into to, in fact he is getting to the point where he is tall enough to grab stuff off counters, end tables and the kitchen table! The only way I even get to blog is if I put him in his high chair and feed him, right now he is eating grapes and an english muffin for breakfast:) I am going to try to post some pictures very soon!
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day
We had breakfast at our house for Mothers Day. My mom , dad, Marni and her boyfriend Nate came over. I made a breakfast casserole, friendship bread, fruit, coffee and juice. It was simple and laid back and very fun! We went to church after breakfast and then came home so Colt could take a nap.
Byson giving Colt some licks.
Papa, Di Di and Colt.
The girls.....Colt and Hercules.
My first mothers day!
Marni, Nate and Hercules.
My honey and I......can't believe it will be 5 years this summer. Time flies!!
This picture is for Marni who took about 50 (no joke) pictures of the dogs on my camera.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Busy Days!
We have had a busy couple of days but its been a lot of fun too! On Friday we had no school so Colt and I headed to Kennewick in the morning. I dropped Colt off with Dave's mom and got my hair done with Dave's sister. I had not had a hair cut in over 3 months and it needed it bad, now it looks great. Thanks Kenz!! I had a district track meet that night at Richland High School so Colt got to play with Memah while I worked. We got back to Walla Walla around 10:45 Friday night. Today, we got up early and ran in a 5k fun run here in Walla Walla. My little sister was in town along with her boyfriend so Marni and I ran and my mom pushed Colt and walked. It was a great way to start the day and our running time was pretty decent too:) We headed over to the farmer's market for an hour and walked around, had some good food and then came back to my house so Colt could get a nap. While Colt napped everyone else went wine tasting (except me I had to stay with Colt). Dave has been working at our church for the past 4 days after work, our church is adding on and Dave and a friend offered to do all the tiling in the men's and women's bathrooms. Its a big job and its still not done. Dave is pretty tired tonight! We had dinner and dessert at our house (chicken tacos and homeade chocolate chip oatmeal cookies...YUM!!) and everyone left around 9. I did not take a single picture the last two days, I forgot my camera and I am bummed because I could have gotten some good ones. The best I could do was Colt sleeping tonight:) Hopefully, I can get some pictures tomorrow for Mother's Day. My mother-in-law and my own mother have already spoiled me and its not even the actual day yet! All right I am going to bed. Good night!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Saturday at the Park

Once he figured out how to pull himself up on his feet and use his shoes for traction he got pretty good at going up and down the slide.

We also played on the merry-go-round and the swings. I think he liked the climbing more than anything. We have a little park just about half a mile from our house and its perfect for him to play on right now.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Sleepover and magazines.

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