Colt had his one year check up today. He is doing fine and he had to have 3 shots! OUCH!! He cried for each one and then calmed down when they gave him a ball to play with. He even showed off his walking skills to the doctor. He was walking all over the office and I could hardly get him to stay still. He was just shy of 32 inches (95%) and 23 lbs (50%). His weight and head circumference have really slowed down his head was in the 50% as well as his weight. He is still high on the chart for his height though. Overall, everything is going well, he still has his calcified hematoma on the left side of his head. I asked the doctor about it because I thought for sure it would have been gone by now. She said that it is noticably smaller to her even though I may not notice it as much because I see him everyday. She also said that his head is starting to grow a lot slower than when he was first born so its not going to disappear as rapidly as it did when he was younger. He has a lot more hair now so its not as noticable but I will be happy when it disapears completely!! I guess it will be something we can tease him about when he gets older:)
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" -Hebrews 11:1
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Trip to Ellensburg

It was so fun to get to see all of my close friends and teamates from college. There were 5 of us that shared a house together at Central and everyone was at the wedding except Courtney (we missed you Court!), she was coaching volleyball in Reno, Nevada. We will see all of them again in about 3 weeks when we go to Chelan for a week. We rent a house down there, bring the kids and play for an entire week. None of us live in the same town so its a fun way to catch up and relax. I am really looking forward to it!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Colt!!

One year ago......

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
One Year Pictures
I went and had Colt's one year pictures done today at Picture People in Kennewick. They turned out all right, they are pretty cute but I was hoping to get more ones of him really smiling. He was so happy when he was there but he just wanted to move so much it was hard to get him to stop and look at the camera. This is only the second time I have done proffesional photos for Colt, Dave is not real big on me spending a lot of money on photos but its so fun to do:) My mom came with me and she ended up buying more than I did, I am pretty sure she has more pictures of Colt up in the house than she has of her own daughters!! The outfit he is wearing is a birthday gift from my sister Amy, it is so cute!!

June 24, 2007

Monday, June 23, 2008
Colt's Birthday Gift

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Colt's 1st Birthday Party

Friday, June 20, 2008
We spent the last couple days in Portland. Dave qualified for a business trip so we got to stay at the Marriot on the water in Portland and have some fun. Dave's parents also went on the trip, while Dave and his dad went to meetings Julie, Colt and I got to have some fun!
The first night we went to dinner and then took a walk along the water.
Colt wanted to see what his dad was looking at but he couldn't quite understand how to look inside.
Mike, Julie and Me on the waterfront.
Family picture!!
Giving Popyee a BIG KISS!!
Colt's awesome grandparents. They love him so much!!
Kisses from Memah and Popyee.
We walked down closer to the water, we did not have any bread to give the ducks so Dave put a leaf in Colt's shoe and the duck came right up and grabbed it off his shoe. Colt jumped when the duck grabbed it and then he laughed. It was cute!
Just checking things out.
On Thursday when the guys were in meetings Julie and I met up with a friend who has two young girls at a park in Vancouver. Colt loved the park, this is the only picture I took because I spent most the time running around with Colt going down slides and swinging on monkey bars:)
Thursday night we went out with a group of people to dinner on the waterfront. Colt is getting so big, he likes to walk with us and hold our hands now. It is so funny to see him become a little person now. We got rid of the bottle during this trip too. I ran out of liners (I prefer to use the liners because it means all I have to do is wash the nipples) I was going to run to the store and get some before the trip and Dave told me not to bother with it and just give him his milk in sippy cups. So we took no bottle with us on the trip to Portland and he did great, he drinks all his milk from sippy cups now. Just another sign that he is turning into a toddler

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