We just got back from a week in Lake Chelan. This is the second year in a row that we have rented a house there with 4 other couples. There were 5 guys, 5 girls and 5 babies (all boys!!!). All of us girls played volleyball together at Central and all of the boys were forced to become friends after they married us:) However, I think the boys had even more fun than the girls this trip, the 5 of them are quite a group. As usual it was so fun to catch up with old friends and watch our kids play together. I have so many wonderful memories of playing volleyball in college and this group of girls are some of my best friends in the world. I just wish we all lived closer!!
The house we stayed at had a huge deck that faced out over the lake. We put a couple smaller pools out on the deck for the kids to play in. Crew is in the back (2), Jaymin is towards the front (2 in August) and Colt is sitting down (13 months).
Colt loved getting to play with the bigger boys!
He tried pretty hard to keep up with them too but Crew and Jaymin were a little quick for him.
Sharing the toys with Jaymin.
We had our own private dock and it was wonderful!! We did not have to deal with a bunch of other people running around and it made it easy to keep track of the kids. I had got this little crab floaty for Colt and he actually enjoyed the lake water. He was a little cold at first but then got used to it. Dave even got him to put his face in the water.
He had so much fun!!
Family picture.
Shane and Courtney brought a boat so we took a boat ride. Colt wanted to walk everywhere and was not too happy about having to be held the entire time!
Jessica and Wyatt (5 months).
There was also a small yard in the front of the house which was fenced in. We got out the bubble machine and let the boys run around. They had so much fun.
Colt kept trying to catch the bubbles.
He loved it!!
After running after the kids all day we looked forward to putting them to bed and having some time to ourselves. One of the nights we got all the husbands to take a break from there games and fill up the kiddie pool on the deck with hot water and we soaked our feet. They also brought us chocolate covered strawberries (which Jess had made!) and a warm cloth for our face. It was so fun to have the entire week to catch up and have some girl time!
Here are the boys starting in the middle going clockwise is Shane, Chris, Tyler (cowboy hat), Dale and Dave. As I said before the guys had a great time, they spent the entire week in a decathalon competition and they even kept score. I believe Dale ended up winning. They played water polo, golfed, ladder ball, beer pong, putt-putt, Wii bowling and tennis, holey board, yahtzee, poker and I am sure some other ones but I can't remember them all. I think part of the time they wished the girls and the kids would just disappear. It was hard for me to get Dave to help with ANYTHING, he just wanted to be a kid again and play with all the boys. It was so funny to watch all of them get so competitive about every little thing. They all have a blast together but I am sure every single one of them is exhausted right now!!
The girls are a bit more mellow, we spent most of the time talking, going on walks, drinking coffee and taking care of our kids. We did get away one night and went into town for dinner and drinks. The guys had the kids, we were home by 8 as the night had gotten a bit crazy and we were in desperate need of water and lots of sleep!!
The boys and there kids.
Group picture. From left to right: Price's, Chase's, Pemberton's, Kerlee's, and Stacy's.
So sad to leave but we had such a great time. We can't wait till next year!!