We had another ultrasound today. It was fun to look at the baby again. The little bug moved the entire time I was in there so they got lots of great shots of his/her face. It's still a surprise, Dave wanted to know so badly this time but we got out of there without anyone spilling the beans. The suspense is killing him but it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I think it is kind of fun not knowing the gender! The baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead just like at the last ultrasound. The head is measuring even bigger than that, Colt had a big head at all his ultrasounds and when he was born so I guess this one may resemble big brother a little bit. Hopefully, I don't have such a hard time pushing this one out. I have a dr. appt next week and then I am going every 2 weeks after that, its going sooo fast. I am starting to nest a little bit, last night I found myself frantically cleaning my bathroom and pulling all the stuff out of our bathroom drawers (Colt's bathroom too) and reorganizing everything. Then I went into Colt's bedroom and did the same with his closet and his clothes and then I started going through some baby stuff. I am actually getting anxious to put Colt in his big boy bed and get his room all set up so I can start getting the baby's room set up (even though there is not much to do since we are basically leaving it the same). Spring Break is next week, I wonder if Dave knows what I have planned for him:)
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" -Hebrews 11:1
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
3rd Trimester....ALREADY???
This morning I opened up one of my pregnancy books that I have not read since week 11 and the first thing it says is "Congratulations you are now officially in your 3rd trimester of pregnancy." I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. With Colt it felt like I was pregnant forever and while 40 weeks is still a long time to be pregnant this one just feels like time is passing so fast!! I am sure working, chasing after Colt and coaching track are helping because I stay so busy that most the time I can’t even remember exactly what week I am in. Last week someone asked me and I had to finally go and look at the ticker on my blog to figure it out. I am feeling good for the most part but I am getting BIG!!! Someone asked me recently if I had much longer left, I hate it when people ask me that it just makes me think "man, I must really be turning into a whale." Especially when I still have another 13 weeks to go!! My biggest complaint right now is finding something to wear to work everyday. I have lots of tops to wear but am very limited in my selection of pants and it’s still too cold to wear my skirts yet (I am looking forward to some warmer weather for that reason). I am still wearing 3 pairs of my normal pants and I do have one very cute pair of designer maternity jeans that my mom and dad got me for my birthday. I could wear those everyday but I think my students would probably notice and I can’t wear jeans everyday to work!!
This little baby is moving ALOT!! He/she is quite the kicker, it makes it look like an alien is living in my stomach when the baby moves around. I remember all this with my first but it’s happening much earlier this time around. We have an ultrasound on Monday to check some stuff out so I will post after that and let you know if the baby is still measuring big. At my 20 week appointment the baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead and was one pound. I am thinking right now he/she is probably around 2.5 -3 pounds. I have been having really bad heartburn lately and not much of an appetite. I feel like I ate a lot during my 1st trimester just to help with the nausea and now nothing really sounds that good. My favorite foods right now are yogurt with fruit and granola, iced decaf white mocha americano's (is that a food??), tart apples, cheese and crackers. Pretty boring but that's about what sounds good, it seems if I deviate too far from that list I get heartburn anyways so its just not worth it!
Dave and I are still working on names for the baby. When I have the lists narrowed I will put up a poll on the side of the blog. I think we have mainly agreed on a girl name but are no where near agreeing on a boy name. With Colt it was so easy, we just knew that was his name. This time around its much harder and we have to come up with both a boy and a girl name this time too.
We are also in the process of rearranging our bonus room and Colt’s nursery. The plan is to move Colt into the bonus room (which first has to be cleaned out) and put two twin size beds in there and his dresser and all his toys. The baby will go in Colt’s nursery (we are going to leave everything the same regardless if it’s a boy or girl the wall colors are already neutral anyway) and then when this baby is ready for a big bed we will move them in together and convert the nursery into an office (that is if we don’t have another baby coming yet at that point☺). It does not really matter to us if this baby is a girl and then her and Colt share a room, when they are little I think its fun for kids to share rooms and I don’t feel they have to be the same gender in order to do that. All right well I think I have rambled on enough for one post. I know I am going to be getting some flack from Dave for writing this much but it may be a blog for others to read but its also a memory for me so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want too.
This little baby is moving ALOT!! He/she is quite the kicker, it makes it look like an alien is living in my stomach when the baby moves around. I remember all this with my first but it’s happening much earlier this time around. We have an ultrasound on Monday to check some stuff out so I will post after that and let you know if the baby is still measuring big. At my 20 week appointment the baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead and was one pound. I am thinking right now he/she is probably around 2.5 -3 pounds. I have been having really bad heartburn lately and not much of an appetite. I feel like I ate a lot during my 1st trimester just to help with the nausea and now nothing really sounds that good. My favorite foods right now are yogurt with fruit and granola, iced decaf white mocha americano's (is that a food??), tart apples, cheese and crackers. Pretty boring but that's about what sounds good, it seems if I deviate too far from that list I get heartburn anyways so its just not worth it!
Dave and I are still working on names for the baby. When I have the lists narrowed I will put up a poll on the side of the blog. I think we have mainly agreed on a girl name but are no where near agreeing on a boy name. With Colt it was so easy, we just knew that was his name. This time around its much harder and we have to come up with both a boy and a girl name this time too.
We are also in the process of rearranging our bonus room and Colt’s nursery. The plan is to move Colt into the bonus room (which first has to be cleaned out) and put two twin size beds in there and his dresser and all his toys. The baby will go in Colt’s nursery (we are going to leave everything the same regardless if it’s a boy or girl the wall colors are already neutral anyway) and then when this baby is ready for a big bed we will move them in together and convert the nursery into an office (that is if we don’t have another baby coming yet at that point☺). It does not really matter to us if this baby is a girl and then her and Colt share a room, when they are little I think its fun for kids to share rooms and I don’t feel they have to be the same gender in order to do that. All right well I think I have rambled on enough for one post. I know I am going to be getting some flack from Dave for writing this much but it may be a blog for others to read but its also a memory for me so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want too.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Fun times with the Chases

We had such a great time with the Chases. Jess and I got some quality alone time and went to a fun chick movie together. Dave and Dale spent the time bowling, playing golf and video games and we all just hung out together in the evenings. On Saturday Dave went all out with dinner and we had fresh salmon (that he had caught a couple months back), king crab legs, salad and breadsticks. It was soooo good and so fun to spend time with friends!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Some cute Colt pictures.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hawaii Family Pics!

Moana Surfrider Hotel

Dinner in Honolulu

Swim Time

Wakiki Beach

Pearl Harbor

This was a fun place to spend a couple hours, it was perfect for all of us and there was a lot of space for Colt to explore and run around. Dave loves history so he was all about listening and reading every little thing.
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