We took a trip to Portland with Dave's sisters and their husbands and the kiddos. We did some shopping, went to a fun Sushi dinner (I had to settle for rice and chicken teriyaki:( and I love SUSHI!!), did some shopping at IKEA and then on Sunday we went to the zoo. It was so much fun, I can't remember the last time I have been to a zoo. We got there around 8:30 that morning and left around 2:00 that afternoon. I was sooooo tired by the time we finally left, we walked the entire day from animal to animal but the kids loved it so it was all worth it!

Camryn ready for a fun day!

We are off to see our first animals of the day.........

........the Elephants! The baby elephant was just born last fall.

Colt and Andy (ANNI as Colt says it) checking out the elephants. Colt has found a new best friend in Andy, everytime he was not around he would walk around yelling "Anni, Anni."

Colt and Camryn got front row seats for the elephant show.

These two are so cute!! Checking out the monkeys together.

Time for a snack break, I think they ate there way through the zoo. Good thing Aunt Kenzie packed them lots of yummy snacks!

I know what your thinking........ I am bigger than the polar bear!

This is me trying to take out Colt with my stomach....just kidding we were feeding the birds.

Camryn enjoying??? herself.

The other children that we brought to the zoo.

Colt petting the goats for the first time. He loved it.

Until the goats tried to take out his feet, they kept head-butting his shoes and he was not too happy about that.

I think this was the kids favorite part, Andy put a coin in this and the kids could have sat there all afternoon watching it go round and round.

Aunt Katie makes a pretty good looking bear.

If you don't know Travis and Katie you have a pretty good idea of who they are after seeing this picture. They had this huge eagles nest and the two of them wanted pictures in it posing as birds!

As we were leaving the zoo I look down and see Colt has fallen asleep into his snack tray. He was so tired, he didn't even move when we transferred him to his carseat. We can't wait to go back!