We spent a long weekend in Lynden, WA to celebrate Chris's 30th birthday party and to see all of our friends. This is the same group of friends that we will go to Chelan with in August. We all played volleyball together at CWU and most of us lived in the same house while we went to school as well. They are some of my best friends and we always have a great time together. We stayed at the Price's and since it was Colt's birthday the day we got there Julie and Crew had made a birthday cake for him.

Brody Price (13 months) and Wyatt Chase (16 months).

All of the girls: Me and Jax, Jess, Julie, Court, Randi, Tracey and Rilyn. Between all of us we have 6 boys, 1 girl, 3 boys on the way and 1 unknown on the way. We think there must have been something in the water at our house in Ellensburg that only allows us to have boys. Tracey is the only one with a girl so far and she did not live in the same house.

Chris's surprise 30th birthday party, it was a lot of fun though I think most of us were pretty tired either from being pregnant or being up with kids all night long.

Jess, Me, Jax, Jaymin and Crew hanging out on the couch ready for bed.

The boys playing cards....they have such a great time together!

Jax and Colt hanging out on the beanbags at Julie's house.

Colt eating goldfish, he no longer smiles much for the camera.

My sweet baby boy Jax.

Colt wanted to "hold brudder."

Heading home.
If I want to make Colt smile I guess I just have to strap him in a seat so he can't move!It is about a 7 hour drive from Walla Walla to Lynden so it makes for a long day. Both the kids did great, we stopped in Kennewick and North Bend going both ways to get a break and there was almost no crying in the car. Colt started to cry a little bit right before we got into Lynden because he was tired of being in the car but Dave started pointing out all the cows and horses and he calmed down quickly (thank goodness Lynden is such a farming town and there were animals everywhere!!).