Our good friends from college Chris and Julie Price drove all the way from Lynden to spend the weekend with us. They have 3 boys ages 5, 3 & 2. That meant we had 4 adults and 6 boys ages 5 and under in our house for 3 days. It could have been crazy but it was actually really nice. All the boys got along really well and there was really no arguing or fighting going on between them. The weather was nice so we were able to enjoy the outside quite a bit and the boys had fun playing with toys, watching movies, crafting and a fun trip to the dollar store and Brights candy. Julie and I went on an 8 mile run Saturday morning, I convinced Julie to run the Birch Bay half-marathon with me in February and so she had 8 miles on her training plan this weekend. It was a beautiful day for a run and it went pretty smoothly. Later that afternoon Chris and Dave headed out for a round of golf and lunch on their own. It was nice to kind of take turns with the kids and also nice to get some alone time with Jules.

Jax and Kyler (both 2).
The baby of the group (so far at least).
Crew (5.5) and Colt (4.5)
Craft time. They all made paper bag puppets.
Brody on the right is wearing Colt's Batman costume. He found the boys superhero costumes the day he got here and hardly took it off the entire time.
Chris trying to decide if he wants another baby or not.
Case was so good the entire time I think he might be thinking about it.:)
Chris and Julie.
We have been friends with them for over 10 years now! We got two babysitters on Saturday night and went out just the 4 of us. We had dinner and drinks at the Red Monkey and then the boys hit up the Blue for gambling while Julie and I had ourselves some frozen yogurt. We were home by 10:30, I'm sure the boys would have stayed out much later but both Julie and I were exhausted!
On Sunday while the "older boys" were watching football we took 4 of the 6 little munchkins to the dollar store for a treat. It was funny to watch them run around trying to decide what they wanted to get. So many choices! I think 3 of the 4 toys were broken by the time we got home.
Brody (3.5) trying on a fireman hat.
After the dollar store we had to go to Brights for some yummy treats. The boys were really good about sharing their ice cream and candy with each other.
What a fun weekend. The good news is we will see them again in another month for the half-marathon. This time we will be doing the traveling though. Lynden is a LONG drive, especially with 3 little kids but its always worth it. Dave and I are both so thankful for such great friends and it is so fun to see our kids play so well together.