Dave came home this evening with LOTS of FISH!! Him and my dad went to the Little White Salmon and fished for 4 days.

Between the two of them they caught 8 fish, the biggest was 38 inches and the smallest was 26 inches. I am not much of a fisherman but they sure looked like big fish!

Colt was a little unsure about the fish and he was not real happy about us having him stand next to one. He did finally it touch it. This fish was 38 inches long and Colt is about 33 inches so you can see how big the fish really were!

Colt was SO EXCITED to see Dave. He wore a permanent smile on his face the rest of the evening.

They sure love each other. Its so fun to watch them play together, Dave kept calling while he was gone (and he never usually calls much when he is fishing) and wanted to talk to Colt on the phone:) They both really missed each other!
Those are big fish. YIKES! Seans kinda like Dave now and when he leaves for x-country meets he actually calls me a little more also so he can talk to Mae and hear what she had done that day.
Colt and Camryn are so cute playing together. Mae is starting to interact more with kids and its so fun to watch them grow.
So I'll be heading to Walla a few times in Nov. so I'll be calling you to hopefully see you for a few.
DAAAANG!!!!! Those fish are bigger than Colt. The biggest fish I ever caught was a 7 inch trout...big whoop. Give your Dad and Mom (Papa, DiDi) a hug from me.
Wow, those are some fish! Hope you enjoyed your weekend with you and Colt. I love all the new pictures on the blog, keep them coming!!
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