Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Baby Items

My running partner Sam and constant companion Byson

This is the jogging stroller that Ken and Wendy Perry just sent us. Byson seemed to enjoy it and I know Sam is looking forward to going on runs with me and our little guy in just a few short months. Thanks Wendy and Ken we already love it and it will be used a lot to get this mama back in shape.

The nursery colors are light blues and greens. Here is our crib, however it is still missing the quilt that my mom is making for it. It is almost finished and I am hoping that I will get it this weekend at my baby shower!

Laundry hamper, changing table and diaper champ. Just some of the neccesesities needed for a new baby.

I could not resist putting this picture in, he is going to be so sad when he is no longer the baby in our lives.

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