Thursday, June 23, 2011

Case : 1 month

Case is 1 month old today. Can't believe how fast the time goes, I always want it to slow down especially when they are babies. Mr. Case is doing really well, he is eating a lot and gaining weight as is evident from his chubby cheeks and double chin. He is also a really good little baby so far, he has been eating about every 3-4 hours and sleeping about the same at night (up until the last two nights, all of a sudden he's been waking every 2 hours just starving, hopefully it does not last). Most the time he is pretty content and both the boys have gotten really good at putting his binky in when he cries. Jax immediately starts yelling "binky binky" every time Case starts crying and runs to find it for him. He is a great little snuggler and spends lots of time sleeping on my chest whenever the older boys are sleeping. He also smiled for the first time today, he smiled at both Colt and I when we were talking to him.  Hopefully I will capture it on camera soon!

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