Saturday, March 13, 2010

Colt's First Catch

Dave took Colt fishing this morning. I had track practice but I told them I could just take Jax with me (he slept the entire time anyway) so they could go and have some fun. Colt was SOOOOO excited. He could hardly wait. He kept running around yelling " I go fishing!!"
These boys are so funny together. Colt will do pretty much anything Dave wants him too.
 He loves his daddy!
They went to this little pond in Walla Walla which had just been stocked with fish. If you are under 13 you don't need a license to fish.
Dave gave Colt the pole and let him fish and took pictures the entire time. Dave said it was one of the funniest things he had ever seen!
Colt loved every minute of it.
Reeling in the fish.
Ohhh, he got one!
Showing off his catch.
He is one proud fisherman!
2 thumbs up, he caught 5 fish.  
All he talked about all weekend long was going fishing, Dave said that on the way home he kept saying to him " Dad I am going to go home and take a little nap then I want to eat my fish!"
Not too bad for his first time. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of many fishing trips, I can't wait to see what the future is going to be like with 2 boys and a dad who loves the outdoors!


Brittsan's said...

This is the cutest post Carolyn!!! The expressions on Colt's little face show exactly how much fun he had. What a great first fishing trip!

The Price Family said...

I just love this post, I keep coming back to it and I can't believe I haven't commented on how cute it is! Colt looks so grown up, what a sweet boy. :)